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Nottingham City Council Attendance Protocols 2022-23

Parents will know that, as a City of Nottingham LA maintained school, we have very high expectations of the children's attendance.


It is vitally important that the children attend school as much as possible in order for them to learn as much as possible.


We aim for every child to be in school at least 95% of the time.


We will always encourage good attendance and good attenders will be rewarded by the school.


To ensure that every child has good attendance, we have adopted the City of Nottingham Common Attendance Protocol.


Our 'Attendance and Absence' policy is attached below for you to look at.


There is also a copy of our 'Attendance FAQs' which will hopefully answer any questions you may have about attendance and absence at Greenfields.

Please also take some time to look through the following 'Attendance & Punctuality Guide for Parents and Carers.'

As part of adopting this protocol, we have also informed parents very clearly of the consequences of children being absent from school. As a school, we work very closely with the LA Education Welfare Service (EWS) to support children and families to improve their attendance.


For more information on the EWS, please click on the following link :

Please also see the followng letters that we have sent to all parents, informing them of the Common Attendance Protocol :