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Year 4

Welcome to Class 4!




Hello and welcome to Class 4. 


Please note, PE will be on a Tuesday afternoon. Please help your child come prepared by sending them with a plain white t-shirt, black shorts or jogging bottoms and trainers. 


Children will be answering our wonder question of the half term " I wonder what life was like in Prehistoric Britain?"  They will be learning about life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. They will be comparing it to life today and learning about the different tools use in the past. Alongside this, in science, the children will find explore different types of rocks, how they are formed and how they can reveal secrets from the past. 


In English we will be writing a setting and character description using our class text ' The First Drawing ' to inspire us. 


In Maths we are focusing on place value. We will be exploring 4 digit numbers in a range of ways, building them using equipment and representing them pictorially and in Numerals. This year we will also have a times table focus.  All the children have  login details for TT ROCK STARTS.  Encouraging your child to spend some time playing these games at home, is a great way to support their maths in school.
